We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support we’ve received from our incredible community of supporters for the past 25 years.
From individuals to organizations, each one has played a crucial role in our journey toward empowering educators and inspiring students’ lives.
In honor of a quarter century of community impact, it is our pleasure to shine a spotlight on a few of these remarkable supporters, sharing their stories of generosity and dedication since our inception in 1998.
A heartfelt THANK YOU to all who have stood by us, championing education, and making a difference in the lives of local teachers and students.
The lifetime giving of more than $7 million+ from the company and through cast member matched donations combined with in-kind product donations have been a game changer.
From founding Board Member Jon Land to launching our A Gift for Music program to current Board Member Steven Miller’s leadership, infusing massive resources through Disney VoluntEARS, and regularly donating products to teachers and classrooms, including hosting the largest annual Back-to-School Drive with their amazing cast members!
Disney has continued to remain committed, providing leadership and investing in innovative programs like the New Teacher Launch Box to inspire and support educators.
Universal Orlando’s lifetime giving of $2 million+, powered by Team Member giving and Universal Orlando Foundation, has been instrumental in our 25-year journey with special appreciation to Scott Campbell, a founding Board Member whose leadership has helped fuel our operational and capacity expansion from our small store on Corrine Drive to the “Big Schoolhouse” on Magic Way today.
From current Board of Director Chair Valerie Read to workplace giving and volunteering, the Universal Orlando Team Member commitment has been phenomenal! Their continuous investment in our organization’s growth, including a fleet of vehicles and capital improvements, has helped us set the foundation for the next 25 years.
In 2003, Judge Winifred Sharp, a trustee of the The Winifred Johnson Clive Foundation, saw the success of our A Gift for Music program and initiated the School SmARTS program to enhance visual arts access in Orange County Public Schools.
Today, it’s more than art supplies – it’s about empowering art teachers with professional development, art kits, and curriculum to enrich their students’ creative journey.
Thank you for fostering a love for the arts in our schools!
Dr. Mary Palmer and The Mary Palmer Family Foundation has been a dedicated supporter for 23 years.
Her profound passion for arts education has played a pivotal role in garnering support across Central Florida and beyond, contributing to the remarkable growth and success of A Gift for Music and School SmARTS.
Mary’s personal and foundation investments have not only increased A Gift for Teaching’s capacity to serve more students and teachers, but has also inspired numerous individuals, foundations, and companies to wholeheartedly support the future leaders of our communities.
Addition Financial has been in harmonious alignment with A Gift for Teaching’s mission since 2003. As a credit union founded in 1937 by educators, their top leadership has actively served on our Board of Directors and their team member engagement extends through task forces, on-site volunteering, and fieldwork with Pencil Boy Express – The Mobile Free Store.
Over the years, Addition Financial’s partnership has been boundless. Their introductions have connected us with some of our most loyal partnerships which has played a crucial role in scaling our largest campaigns and events. Most recently, we are honored to have been an inaugural recipient of grants from the newly established Addition Financial Foundation.
There are not enough days in the year (or next 25 years!) to fully express our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our incredible supporters.
From longstanding partnerships to newfound alliances, we’ve been inspired by the diverse ways in which Central Florida has supported its community’s educators and future leaders.
Whether through financial contributions, in-kind donations, volunteer efforts, or spreading awareness, the impact has been immeasurable across multiple generations. Thank you for being the driving force behind the success of A Gift for Teaching.
Here’s to many more milestones and moments of impact ahead!